Slip Rentals

Seasonal Slips open May 1st. All boats must be out of rented slips by October 15th!

Slip rent must be paid in full by May 1st. A $50.00 per month late fee will be added to all unpaid balances… 

Electrical service charges are checked monthly & boaters must check at the store at the end of the month to pay service charges.


Seasonal Slips

May 1st – Oct 15, 2023

Pontoons, Runabouts, & Cruisers


F & G Docks


(Concrete Docks)

B, C & I Docks


(Covered Slips/Concrete Docks)

E Dock(Cruiser Row)


Concrete Dock

Cruiser Slips on Houseboat Row


Full Electric Hookup and Water



Plastic Hydro Ports ($375)

New Larger Slips with Rollers ($475)

Non-Fingered Slips

$1200 - $2100

Summer: $2,100 Winter: $1,200

Fingered Slips


Summer: $3,200​Winter: $700

Cruiser Slips


Full Electric Hook Up and Water Summer



Dock Location

722 Hwy 79 South McDaniels, Kentucky 40152

Mailing Address

PO BOX 236
​McDaniels, Kentucky 40152

Get in touch